Saturday, December 16th, 2000 | 20:16 (written at 15:30 but Nets
creepy thoughts and government-financed sub-porn

It's that goddamn Mack truck!!!


Hehe, la merde frappe la ventaille. Whoops. And again.


I think I'm good. Things are good. Everything is going to take a little sorting out, but it'll be ok in the end.


Hmmm, optimism. Very interesting.


He paced the halls with determined strides. The purple ink from the fire alarm felt sticky between the barrel of the shotgun and his hand.

"They look like October leaves on the maple tree in the backyard;" he thought, "fragile and blood red."

He smiled at the memories and pulled the trigger one last time.


Fiction Fifty-Five


Smile and you'll know


Last night, after people left, Bubbles Galore was on TeeVee. I have never seen worse acting anywhere. It was a porn-quality script with sub-porn-quality acting and sub-porn-quality sex. This diary proclaims "Bubbles Galore" the Unintentional Comedy of the Year!


My fingers and toes are numb and I'm out of things I want to say here.


Wanna hear something really fucked up. I was visiting a newly updated diary from the front page and went to click on the "older entries" link and the little message in the bottom of the window (where it says what the link leads to) said "stupid Nazi bastards". It scared me and I moved my hand. When I put the cursor over it again, it said "(loginname)"

I think I really am losing my mind.



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