Saturday, December 7th, 2002 | 10:09
I'm never drinking again.

Yesterday on Drink 'Til You Drop, I had five beers, two quick shots of Kahluah and two half-and-half rum and cokes that I stole from Kelsey. My memory is a little patchy, but some of the things I do remember, in no particular order:
Getting frostbite as my head hung out the window of Alex's Proteg�. I think we stuffed seven people at one point.
Throwing up over Gab's balcony.
Peeing on Serena's Lincoln Navigator.
Laughing until I fell down after two beers.
Fell down and stayed there until I started laughing after everything but the last rum and coke.
Talking to Katie (Kate) Hately, telling her we always catch up, but never talk.
Lily's apologies.
Playing "Motorcycle Drive-By" so badly, I stopped myself.
I think I saw Paul hitting on Geogian.
Someone said something about Michael slamming his fingers in the door. I didn't see it.
"Emily and I put those up." I almost kicked him in the balls.
I'm starving and dehydrated.

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