Tuesday, January 23rd, 2001 | 00:00
I like studying

Electrical celebrity. It just sounds like something to say.


I get zapped every time I come near you. I think it's a sign. And I love it.


Yeah, of course you were studying. What was it, Anatomy? Physics? -Mom

We had a discussion in the car on the way home about how I wouldn't be as close to her if she weren't as twisted I as I am. She said that I am as sick as SHE is. I'm not sure.


But I'm happy. Really happy.


I love the way you laugh. I love the way everything is so post-orgasmically perfect. I think I'm in love with you. I owe you more than you think.


And dinner was really good.


Good luck with exams (to everyone else as well.)


I like practice, and exercise.


Existentialism: A philosophical and literary movement, variously religious and atheistic, stemming from Kierkegaard and represented by Sartre, Heidegger, etc.: It is based on the doctrine that existence takes precedence over essence and holds that man is totally free and responsible for his acts, and that this responsibility is the source of the dread and anguish that encompasses him.


That was highlighted in my dictionary. I smiled.


I like the Foo Fighters. And I'm in the mood to watch Live! Tonight! Sold Out!



And Jane said it wouldn't work


Just thinking about it.


Oh, me. Oh, my a-religious god.


I'm not scared, I felt like this on my way home. -Foo Fighters (New Way Home)


I'm still breathing hard.


If you'd accept surrender, I'll give up some more. -Foo Fighters (Walking After You)



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